How Can You Tell if Diabetes is Affecting Your Eyes

Your eyes may seem fine, as often there are no warning signs of diabetic eye disease. Having a full, dilated eye exam is the only way to know for sure if diabetes is affecting your eyes. The eye exam helps your doctor find and treat eye problems early, often before much vision loss can occur.
Diabetic eye disease is a group of eye problems that can affect people with diabetes. The conditions include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts. Over time, diabetes can cause damage to your eyes which can result in poor vision or even blindness.
Diabetes affects your eyes when your blood glucose is too high. Serious diabetic eye diseases begin with blood vessel problems. Take steps to prevent diabetes from affecting your eyes by taking care of your diabetes and having regular dilated eye exams.
When symptoms do occur, they may include, at which time you should talk to your eye doctor:
• Blurry vision
• Poor color vision
• Frequently changing vision
• Dark areas
• Vision loss
• Spots, dark strings, floaters
• Flashes of light
Vision issues can be hard to detect due to the fact that eye strain is commonly experienced by many people regardless of health status. Testing your eyesight is important and helps track changes in your vision. Routine dilated eye exams are an important part of obtaining an early diagnosis of eye conditions, especially if you have diabetes.
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